
Welcome to the Second Life AIDS Memorial Site
The Second Life AIDS Memorial is a space set aside in the Cyberspace world of Second Life for people to come
and contemplate, remember loved ones, or just sit and think.
You can find out more about the world of Second Life, and create your own free account at:
To visit the AIDS Memorial Garden, where it all started, and view our new, more modern garden simply follow
the SL URL:
Visit the AIDS Memorial Garden (SLURL)
The SL AIDS Memorial Garden now has a Forum, the idea beind it is to make a portal for any and all HIV and AIDS support
groups and organisations to have a central place to communicate. You can find it by following the link below:
SL AIDS Memorial Forum
The SL AIDS Memorial Garden is proud to be one of the founding members of the Second Life HIV/AIDS Support Wiki.
Second Life HIV/AIDS Support Wiki
Please take the time to complete our Guestbook and tell us what you think of the SL AIDS Memorial, or the website.
The AIDS Memorial Garden |

This is the Garden as it appears in Second Life |
Second Life® and Linden Lab® are trademarks or registered trademarks of Linden Research, Inc. All rights reserved. No infringement
is intended.
The Second Life AIDS Memorial is in no way affiliated with Linden Labs and is an entirely not for profit