The AIDS Memorial Garden has a web forum, the purpose of the forum is to give a central point
for the various HIV and AIDS Support organisations available in Second Life. If you run an organisation, or know someone
that does, please visit the forum and introduce yourself!
Visit the SL AIDS Memorial Forum

We also recommend the World Community Grid program Fight AIDS At Home this is a small program
that runs in the background using some of that dead time your computer has. You can find it:

We also have a Wall Of Rememberance, where short 1-2 line messages are added. Until now
these have been by using the answer machine in the Garden, however now you can add your own message so that the residents
of Second Life can view your message:

Donations are no longer requested by the Second Life AIDS Memorial Garden however
if you would like to donate to the National AIDS Trust. You can visit their website at:
Alternatively you can go straight to their donations page at:
JustGiving.com Donation Page
Second Life® and Linden Lab® are trademarks or registered trademarks of Linden Research, Inc. All rights reserved. No infringement
is intended.
The Second Life AIDS Memorial is in no way affiliated with Linden Labs and is an entirely not for profit